Yoga Prevents Injuries and Can Cause Injuries!

Yoga Prevents Injuries and Can Cause Injuries!

The benefit of Yoga is not a matter to boast about, the major area of the concern is to put the limelight on the Yoga Prevents Injuries happening due to incorrect technique of performing various Yoga forms. 

Be Aware Of  Yoga Prevents Injuries

There is no doubt that Yoga boosts Physical, Mental, Spiritual and Intellectual Strength, however Yoga Injuries are also the commonest possible thing which people are unaware of or they do not want to think about it.  Some of the examples seen are fast movements and intense neck extensions leading to strokes and baddha trikonasana giving rise to hamstring injuries.

The most common areas of body that are prone to Yoga Injuries are wrist when you do a handstand, ribs while twisting your body, lower back injuries if you don’t follow the rule of counter pose and its timings, neck during headstand and that is how the list goes on and on. 

There are lot of things which people neither think about nor they want to perform. Here at FCA Academy, our Yoga course focuses on Warm-up and Cool down exercises, the use of the Equipment and the Yoga Props, Training with knowledge of Proper Body Alignment, Correct breathing techniques and the time for which an Asana should be held for.

Keeping in mind Pros and Cons of a particular field, for example, Yoga which we are discussing about, you will definitely be presented with all the benefits of it avoiding the possible injuries. Grab full knowledge along with Yoga’s indications and contraindications, then see the results!

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This Blog Written By Dr. Priyanka Jain 

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